Accept the challenge

Lose 20 pounds in six weeks.

Bet on yourself to lose 20 pounds and your money will be credited to a premium service.

After struggling for about 6 months I found Victor's program.
I did in 6 weeks what I couldn't do on my own in 6 months.

Kristin C.

When I saw Victor's program I knew I had to do it.
The physical change was mind-blowing to me, but even better, my kids got their mom back.
I lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks!

Layne S.

Best. Decision. Ever.
Let me tell you, I got fitness, nutrition, and an accountability coach.
And FINALLY results.
Real results that I know how to keep.

Sam K.

Let's be honest

Like many of my clients, you are exploring weight loss challenges for a reason.

Common reasons may be to:

Jumpstart your fitness journey

Attract others without saying a word

Undo the results of unhealthy habits

Get excited about walking by the mirror

Experience the benefits of being in great shape

designed for results

This challenge was created for those who are not afraid to put in the work.


Finish for yourself but not by yourself

Plug-and-play weight loss system

Access to an experience personal trainer

Eliminate the exhausting task of planning a fitness routine that works.

No wasted time

Start off right and beat the calendar.

No useless actions

Get results within days

Time tested methods with decades of success.


Shed those unhealthy pounds for good.

Establish healthy habits you can not let go of.

Become the inspiration for healthy changes.

Get your money credited forward to one of our premium services.

the process

Phases you will be lead on


I will take the lead and plan your habits to make sure you win.

Do the work

Follow the proven methods and take advantage of your access.

Get your results

Weekly weigh-ins for 6 weeks to make any adjustments.

Real clients with real results

Same shirt
70 pounds gone

27 stubborn pounds gone

the bet

The investment to achieve your goal

Identity transformation

Develop the habits and self-image to keep those unwanted weights off.

healthy methods

Train your body to use its own mechanism for burning off unwanted fat.

100% guarantee

Win or lose, the challenge will transform you. Or else I will personally work with you until it does.

6-Week Challenge
21 Days to Victory E-book ($97 value)
Access to a personal trainer
Premium meal plans
Restaurant guides
Proven workout plans
Travel guides
Weekly check-ins
If you are local: all bootcamp sessions (except Saturday)

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I quit?

Two things happen:
1. You lost the bet on yourself.

2. Keep going!
You may of lost this bet but you have developed habits that will keep those unhealthy weight off!

Do I have to be located locally?

You do not have to be located locally. This program was designed to be done anywhere.

What if I have medical concerns?

Please let me know if you do.
My 20+ years of experience as a personal trainer has helped me develop adjustments that are still as effective.

What if I have tried other fitness challenges before?

I can not speak on the behalf of others but I can guarantee you this program will get you results.

the real price

I understand it is beyond the fat.

You could choose to casually go to the gym or follow a free app.
Instead you are here because it is too personal to leave it to chance.

Let's talk

Schedule your free consultation.

To make sure you succeed in this intense program, I offer free consultations to help you prepare for the commitment.

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